how to connect mysql5 using c++ in redhat-linux
(too old to reply)
2007-02-14 13:04:26 UTC
how to connect MySQL using C++ in redhat ....

can any one tell a sample of code to creat ,connect and execute the
statement in c++ code ...

please help me .....
D. Mexis
2007-02-14 22:45:42 UTC
What I did, because in C++ you can't be sure what's next morning, is I got
the C functions and created a class.
So using the C functions makes me for up to now after 3 years not having
changed much the code...
Perhaps I can send it to you, allthough, it sucks really.
2007-02-16 05:17:15 UTC
can u send the code to me ... u can paste in this itself for furture
purpose , someone will help full for them ...

please paste the code as soon as possible ;
2007-02-16 06:17:09 UTC
Hi guys ..Sorry - I hope to get soem respons regarding VBS

I got this surgestion from one swedish Guy:

strSQL= "SELECT cast(100.0*SUM(CASE Q1 WHEN 'nej' THEN 1 ELSE 0
END)/COUNT(*) as decimal(5,2)) FROM bruger_evaluering "

But I really dont know what to do with it.

Yopu can se my page at
http://www.gymnasiereform.dk/svar_q12.asp here it works fine - I get the %
of the different answers but this is with an Access DB - now Im trying to
do the same with a MY SQL DB ... but cant make the calculation for %
plaese help ..
