How to suppress repeating columns?
(too old to reply)
Alex Pavluck
2011-07-19 23:39:20 UTC
survey Test Result N
adult BmR1 neg 1
adult ICT not 1
adult MF pos 1
child ICT neg 2

With the above table as an example, how can I only print Adult once
and then Child once? What is that called? The new table would look
like this:

survey Test Result N
adult BmR1 neg 1
ICT not 1
MF pos 1
child ICT neg 2
2011-07-20 14:12:23 UTC
responding to
Post by Alex Pavluck
survey Test Result N
adult BmR1 neg 1
adult ICT not 1
adult MF pos 1
child ICT neg 2
With the above table as an example, how can I only print Adult once
and then Child once? What is that called? The new table would look
survey Test Result N
adult BmR1 neg 1
ICT not 1
MF pos 1
child ICT neg 2
I'm not too sure about what you're trying to achieve but it sounds like
something to do in an external script. Execute a query to read all rows
with all columns in them, then format the output EXTERNALLY to your
heart's desire.

2011-07-22 22:06:48 UTC
responding tohttp://www.1-script.com/forums/How-to-suppress-repeating-columns-arti...
survey     Test    Result  N
adult      BmR1    neg     1
adult      ICT     not     1
adult      MF      pos     1
child      ICT     neg     2
With the above table as an example, how can I only print Adult once
and then Child once?  What is that called?  The new table would look
survey Test        Result N
adult        BmR1  neg     1
          ICT              not     1
          MF               pos     1
child        ICT           neg     2
I'm not too sure about what you're trying to achieve but it sounds like
something to do in an external script. Execute a query to read all rows
with all columns in them, then format the output EXTERNALLY to your
heart's desire.
In Oracle, it would be the CONNECT BY statement. There are some
google results that have a poor-man's way of doing this in mysql.